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You're Invited to Join ATA's 75 Club

Help celebrate ATA’s milestone. It starts with your contribution of $75 or more to the 75 Club Project to fund future ATA services, and continues with special recognition throughout the year.

When you join, you’ll receive an ATA 75th Anniversary Pin, a keepsake of the celebration. Wear it with pride to your stamp club meetings, stamp show outings, and while attending philatelic Zoom sessions. If you contribute $175 or more, you will also receive the pin and a beautiful gold Challenge Coin. Challenge coins go back to the Roman Empire, and have been used in many ways to honor members of specific groups. They are collected by members of the military, U.S. presidents and many others, as special mementos of important memberships.

See who is already a member!

As a 75 Club member, you’ll be recognized in Topical Time, in the GASS show program, and on the ATA website. It goes without saying that your $75 donation will fuel the future growth of the American Topical Association. Your funds will provide important opportunities for ATA such as onboarding new technology and offering new services for members throughout the world. Your generosity guarantees your place among those stalwart philatelists whose vision created the ATA more than seven decades ago!

©2019 - 2025, American Topical Association. All Rights Reserved.
The American Topical Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Post Office Box 2143, Greer, SC 29652-2143.

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