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Advertising with ATA

Advertising with ATA includes options for putting your message into our award-winning journal, Topical Time, and on our widely-referenced website. ATA's Topical Time is the leading publication focused on topical collecting, and it is sent to members all over the world. The highlights of ATA advertising include:

  • Nearly 25% of ATA members are international, with members in 60 different countries
  • Over 40% of ATA members reported buying from Topical Time advertisers
  • There are six full-color issues annually, edited by Martin Kent Miller
  • A dedicated readership of ATA members
  • The journal has a long shelf life
  • Copies are shared in stamp clubs for increased readership
  • Specialty columns encourage collecting of all philatelic elements, including:
    • Cinderellas/poster stamps
    • Postmarks and Meters
    • Maximum Cards
  • Targeted articles for novice, youth, and seasoned collectors
  • Advertising can be paid by check, PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express.
  • Topical Time advertisers can take advantage of discounts for advertising on ATA website

Topical Time Ad Formats

Ad Size  Physical Dimensions
(w x h)

 One year (6 Ads)
Paid in Full, In Advance

  One year (6 Ads) 
Paid Monthly

 One-Time Ad
(paid in advance)
 Full Page  5" x 8" $ 1,272.00  $ 1,488.00  $ 278.00
 Half Page  5" x 4" $ 672.00 $ 780.00 $ 154.00
 Quarter Page (horizontal)  5" x 2" $ 372.00 $ 432.00 $ 80.00
 Quarter Page (vertical)  2" x 4" $ 372.00 $ 432.00 $ 80.00
 Eighth Page (horizontal)  5" x 1" $ 222.00 $ 282.00 $ 55.00
 Eighth Page (vertical) 2.25" x 2" $ 222.00 $ 282.00 $ 55.00
 Sixteenth Page  2.25" x 1" $ 180.00 $198.00 $ 37.00
 Classified Ads 30¢ /word, 20-word minimum. Pay in advance for one year and get seven ads for the price of six (no changes to text).

Topical Time Deadlines

 Issue Date Deadline Payment Due
 January - February December 1 January 1
 March - April February 1 March 1
 May - June April 1 May 1
 July - August June 1 July 1
 September - October August 1 September 1
 November - December November 1 December 1

Advertising Terms & Conditions

Membership: All advertisers must be ATA members in good standing.

Contract: For “Six Times” ads, the advertiser agrees to place at least one ad in each of 6 consecutive issues. Change of copy is allowed in every issue. A prepaid contract will not be affected by an increase in advertising rates during the prepaid period. If a change is made to a larger ad, the amount prepaid is credited toward the larger space. Note: If new copy is not received by the copy deadline for each issue, copy from the previous issue will be published. Payment terms are available.

One-Time ads: One-time ads must be fully paid for in advance. Deadlines are for receipt of ad copy.

Cancellations/Changes: Advertisements may be changed or canceled until the ad deadline for each issue, but not after the deadline.

Positions: Add 25% to the regular rate when ordering specific placement of an ad.

Composition: Copy must be digital or typed. Topical Time is not responsible for errors arising from hand-prepared copy or from ads submitted by phone. Electronic art is the best way to ensure that the ad will be perfect. Emailed ads should be at least 300 dpi; lesser dpi will not be suitable.

Illustrations: Clear illustrations can be reproduced in any size. However, best results are obtained from exact-size illustrations. If the advertiser cannot provide 300 dpi scans, special artwork or stamps for scanning must be provided. Material provided for illustrations will be returned insured or registered if requested and funds are provided.

Confirmations: All display advertisers receive tear sheets of their ad upon request. Copies of Topical Time are available for $3 plus postage ($2.00, $3.00 Canada, $8.00 international).

References: First-time advertisers should provide two philatelic references. ATA, APS, NSDA or ASDA memberships are acceptable. 

Approval: All ads are subject to approval of the ATA, which reserves the right to reject advertising or suspend advertising privileges for such periods of time as the ATA deems necessary for any reason.

©2019 - 2025, American Topical Association. All Rights Reserved.
The American Topical Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Post Office Box 2143, Greer, SC 29652-2143.

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