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ATA Great American Stamp Show

Sponsorship Opportunities 2025

Each year, generous ATA members support the ATA portion of our show by sponsoring events and awards. Sponsors receive recognition throughout the show. Please consider a sponsorship this year. If you are interested in sponsoring something not listed here, or you have ideas for recognizing our sponsors, we would like to hear from you. To pledge to be a sponsor, please contact Dawn Hamman, ATA president, at

All donors will be recognized at the ATA Annual Meeting

ATA Booth Sponsor, $2,000  John Everett and Elizabeth Kent 

*Includes two full-page ads in Topical Time

*Banner on ATA home page

*Ad and feature article on ATA website and in show program

*Prominent signage in ATA booth

*Recognition at all ATA events

*We will work with sponsor to accommodate additional promotions

ATA President’s Reception, $1,000    

*Listing in Topical Time, on the ATA website and show program

*Sign at event

ATA Jack Congrove Grand Award Sponsor, $500  

*Sign at awards table

*Listing in Topical Time, on the ATA website and show program

Mary Ann Owens Single Frame Grand, $250    

*Sign at awards table

*Listing in Topical Time, on the ATA website and show program

ATA Reserve Grand Award Sponsor, $200    

*Sign at awards table

*Listing in Topical Time, on the ATA website and show program

ATA Most Popular Exhibit Award Sponsor, $150  Kim Kellermann and Darlene Pylar 

*Sign at awards table

*Listing in Topical Time, on the ATA website and show program

Distinguished Topical Philatelist Award, $500   

*Listing in Topical Time, on the ATA website and show program

ATA Annual Meeting Sponsor, $150  Igor Grigorian and Karine Chilingaryan 

*Listing in printed materials, recognition at events

*Listing in Topical Time, on the ATA website and show program

ATA Special Promotions During Show, $250   

*Listing in printed materials, recognition at events

*Listing in Topical Time, on the ATA website and show program

ATA Member Ribbons for Nametags at Show, $100  

*Listing in Topical Time, on the ATA website and show program

ATA Presents:  $100    

*Listing in Topical Time, on the ATA website and show program

ATA Study Unit Show Sponsorships, $50 each 

*Listing in Topical Time, on the ATA website and show program

*Sign and study unit literature in Study Unit booth

Armenian Philatelic Association (ARPA)

If you are interested in sponsoring please contact the office.

©2019 - 2025, American Topical Association. All Rights Reserved.
The American Topical Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Post Office Box 2143, Greer, SC 29652-2143.

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