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Exhibiting Picture Postcards, A Course in Three Sessions

$25.00 - Member price
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There is great interest in exhibiting picture postcards, as this genre of exhibiting has become well recognized in recent years. This three-part course will look at the steps in telling a story through postcards. Session I: Why Postcards Matter This session will show why picture postcards, especially those of the early 20th century are an important part of philately and worthy of our study. When you register for the class, you are invited to send scans of one or two postcards that you may wish to use for an exhibit. We’ll share ideas that will help you think through the steps of developing an exhibit. Session II: Steps to Telling Your Story We’ll discuss your non-philatelic story line, title, introduction and plan (how you will organize your exhibit). Session III: Resources for Collecting and Documenting your Postcards Documentation of picture postcard history is not as organized or extensive as it is for other areas of philately. We’ll show resources you can use for information to provide descriptions of the postcards in your exhibit, and offer tips for making observations about the postcards you use. Participants in this course will receive quick reference guides, a useful digital book on real photo postcards and an extensive bibliography. Course instructor Dawn Hamman is president of the American Topical Association, and a frequent speaker at stamp shows and Zoom programs. Her gold and large gold award winning picture postcard exhibits include, The Jewel City – Picture Postcards of the Panama Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915; The Life and Legacy of Abraham Lincoln; He Built a Business Empire With Ostrich Feathers; and A Day at Ocean Beach.

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